Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday's (01-19-11) Thankful/Grateful List

Can I just say that I am really trying to make this a habit? This is one of the last things I've done for the night for 3 nights in a row! (I struggle with developing good habits so I mark this as a minor accomplishment). Here's tonight's thankful/grateful list:

  1. I'm grateful that today was a better day. Even if I did over sleep and still get to work 20 mins after I said I would, it was a great day. 
  2. I'm grateful that I share a cubicle with a guy who makes me laugh by just being him and have a best friend who is the extreme opposite of you and you love her anyway. Imagine if you will, a young 26 year old Korean kid taking 5 singles out of his pocket and making it rain in the cubicle. If it's not funny to you, don't worry. The shit is hilarious to me. As for the BFF, she and I were talking about how frustrating it is to come home from work and you see someone in your house with their feet propped up. It's even more frustrating when they ask you what's for dinner like they haven't been sitting there doing a whole lot of nothing. My foolio BFF said that she would do like Kathy Bates in Misery and take a sledgehammer to the ankles. Now if that isn't funny to you, then maybe you shouldn't be reading my blog anyway.
  3. I'm grateful/thankful for LW telling me to fill out the FMLA paperwork. That made it pretty easy for me to leave and go see my father who was having a moment in the middle of the day, without having to worry about anything later. 
  4. I'm grateful that I was able to get laundry done and go to bible study tonight. AND I found Old Faithful which will make it's way into this week's wardrobe either tomorrow or Friday. Bible study was nice tonight. It was refreshing to go and read the Word and feel a little bit better about some things. I'm trying to do better. Bare with me. 
  5. I'm thankful for another day that I'm not a member of the DDS and/or DMS. One of my former co-workers joined the society today. I don't know all the details but my heart does go out to him and his family. The last couple of blogs I've posted this as something on the list because I know that this can change at a moment's notice. Today I was able to go to the hospital and see my dad, have a discussion with his doctor, nurse and case worker, update my mom on the situation, go to their house, use their washer and dryer and have a conversation with my mom about Law and Order: SVU. Sometimes it's just the simple things and I am thankful for those simple things.
Thanks God. Now let me go to bed so that I can be close to on time to work tomorrow. 

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